About Kathy/Testimonials
About Kathy Hohs
Kathy's journey started with becoming a Licensed Cosmetologist in 1973. Helping people to feel beautiful on the outside was her way of assisting in bringing out the inner beauty of her client. In a quest to help her child, who was suffering from food and environmental allergies that Western Doctors couldn't help, she learned about food combining in 1986. She took her first Reflexology overview class in 1992 and went for the real thing and took her first seminar in the Original Ingham Method of Reflexology. Then came the Proficiency Seminar on the Advanced Ingham Method of foot/hand Reflexology and became a Certified Reflexologist trained in the Original Ingham Method in October of 1997. Children respond very quickly to Reflexology and it made a believer of her and her daughter. After noticing feeling drained of her energy after giving Reflexology sessions, she was introduced to Reiki. She went on to learn Reiki and be a “channel” for the healing energy instead of using her own.
She became a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher in March of 1999. Then the Silva Mind Control Seminar in January of 2000. She became a Certified Hypnotherapist in February of 2001. She also took the Advanced Karuna Reiki Training in June of 2001. RaSheeba Energy Technique June of 2001.
Kathy's inner work led her to develop
My Love Healing which gives you a basic understanding of Light, Energy and "God" being the spiritual essence of human beings having a physical experience. Educates how the three levels of consciousness work within us to create our life experiences. Teaches how Free Will can be sabotaged by our Fears. Demonstrates how our Inner Wisdom gives us our answers before we ask and how and why we override it. In this class you experience direct communication from your higher self for guidance and understanding of your negative beliefs and emotions, enabling you to receive insights and inspirations clearly to heal them. Kathy practices "My Love Healing" now in classes, private sessions, over the phone, and distance healings. Kathy teaches My Love Healing for your Self Discovery and Truth.
We have the power and the ability to change our lives for the better. Her intentions are to educate in a way that her clients feel able to heal themselves with the power they already possess. Sessions of My Love Healing or Intuitive Reflexology she will assist her clients in discovering the Truth of their beliefs/feelings, purifying the negative aspects in hopes of strengthening the communication with the
"Pure Light Divine" in them. She leads them through the stages of self-empowerment, self-healing and self-awareness, and also to help them gain positive knowledge, universal love and self-appreciation for her clients' own life.
To know deep down that everything we think, believe, feel and do matters.
kathy@mylovehealing.com 847-749-5168
Kathy's journey started with becoming a Licensed Cosmetologist in 1973. Helping people to feel beautiful on the outside was her way of assisting in bringing out the inner beauty of her client. In a quest to help her child, who was suffering from food and environmental allergies that Western Doctors couldn't help, she learned about food combining in 1986. She took her first Reflexology overview class in 1992 and went for the real thing and took her first seminar in the Original Ingham Method of Reflexology. Then came the Proficiency Seminar on the Advanced Ingham Method of foot/hand Reflexology and became a Certified Reflexologist trained in the Original Ingham Method in October of 1997. Children respond very quickly to Reflexology and it made a believer of her and her daughter. After noticing feeling drained of her energy after giving Reflexology sessions, she was introduced to Reiki. She went on to learn Reiki and be a “channel” for the healing energy instead of using her own.
She became a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher in March of 1999. Then the Silva Mind Control Seminar in January of 2000. She became a Certified Hypnotherapist in February of 2001. She also took the Advanced Karuna Reiki Training in June of 2001. RaSheeba Energy Technique June of 2001.
Kathy's inner work led her to develop
My Love Healing which gives you a basic understanding of Light, Energy and "God" being the spiritual essence of human beings having a physical experience. Educates how the three levels of consciousness work within us to create our life experiences. Teaches how Free Will can be sabotaged by our Fears. Demonstrates how our Inner Wisdom gives us our answers before we ask and how and why we override it. In this class you experience direct communication from your higher self for guidance and understanding of your negative beliefs and emotions, enabling you to receive insights and inspirations clearly to heal them. Kathy practices "My Love Healing" now in classes, private sessions, over the phone, and distance healings. Kathy teaches My Love Healing for your Self Discovery and Truth.
We have the power and the ability to change our lives for the better. Her intentions are to educate in a way that her clients feel able to heal themselves with the power they already possess. Sessions of My Love Healing or Intuitive Reflexology she will assist her clients in discovering the Truth of their beliefs/feelings, purifying the negative aspects in hopes of strengthening the communication with the
"Pure Light Divine" in them. She leads them through the stages of self-empowerment, self-healing and self-awareness, and also to help them gain positive knowledge, universal love and self-appreciation for her clients' own life.
To know deep down that everything we think, believe, feel and do matters.
kathy@mylovehealing.com 847-749-5168
I would not be here today if it wasn’t for Kathy Hohs and My Love Healing. Her love and compassion to help people and give them the tools to help themselves shows through in every conversation. She gives encouragement and self determination for you to succeed through your immediate turmoil and anything that may get in your way of living your life to the fullest.
I tried many different ways to deal with my issues in the past although nothing seemed to be working. Certain feelings may have been gone for the moment but at the most random of times, something would trigger my emotions and then they were all back in full swing. It’s as though they were just waiting in the background of my life, just waiting to destroy my day at the most random of times no matter how happy and full of life I would be.
For me the only way to get rid of these strong emotions completely was through My Love Healing. Once they were gone, I realized that the idea of dealing with these deep dark issues was more scary just because I built it up in my head. In reality, dealing with past emotions in the present moment was much easier than I expected, which in turn made it easier to want to proceed in dealing with all of my issues.
My Love Healing allows you to live your life in the present moment, free of any emotional attachments that pull you out. I thank you Kathy Hohs from the bottom of my heart for everything that you have done for me and taught me. Thank You!
I could write a novel dedicated to the work of Kathy and the effect she has had on my life and of those around me, however, considering it’s a testimonial I will give you the cliff note version.
An angel in a human form ~ that’s what she is. When I met Kathy, I quickly became drawn to her happiness, care free attitude, and liveliness. She introduced me to ‘My Love Healing’ and the rest is history.
Coming from a very strict religious/cultural background, I was bound by many conditioned beliefs and teachings. It was hard for me to accept everything that Kathy taught me initially, however slowly I began to realize that it’s not anything different from what the true essence of any religion is. The basis of love, honesty, and truth, the power of prayer and intention, the ability to change your circumstance and follow your greatest heart desires.
For years and years I thought about what am I here for? What is my life’s purpose? I thought it was a question I was supposed to answer. But in working with Kathy, she taught me that that’s not for me to know but to rather allow God’s Will to be expressed through me. That empowered me and made me realize that my connection to God is not just looking up at they sky and praying for things, but it was deeper, way deeper! It was looking inside my heart and realizing he’s in me, through me, and all around me always!
What drew me to Kathy’s teachings is that she wasn’t recreating the wheel of religion or of a new age philosophy, but rather to connect to something that I already had in me that is far more powerful than any situation, any circumstance, or any being in this entire universe. It is the fact that I am able to hear, comprehend, and uncover my life's purpose given to me by my creator, not by my ‘world’. I think a lot of people go through life not knowing that and thus get stuck in the day to day routine of mere existence, not truly living!
I also was drawn to the idea of knowing that I don't have to accept the conditioned way of how I've been raised and the carrying of all things that my past brought to me without me asking for it. I liked the fact that I could give all that away to God and he willingly accepts it and heals it. Thus, allowing more happiness and love to open my heart to life’s abundance and my fullest potential.
I could go on and on, but to get to the point, Kathy saved my life. I felt I was in a downward spiral of thinking that this was it for me and I couldn’t do anything to change it. She helped me see the distortions that are centuries old that still live in me. I pray that her heart, her message, her wisdom, her connection, her be-ing touches every person in this world someday. I think everyone that has encountered Kathy and has worked with her owes it to the rest of the universe to spread this message and direct them to her. We’re not healed until we are all healed! Thank you Kathy from the very bottom of my heart! You have helped me find the switch to the guiding light in my life.
Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!
Love always,
Where do I begin to thank someone who has guided and been there for me and helped me change my life? I have never known someone so blessed and angelic. I know God put her in my life in my worst time when I needed so bad to grow and didn’t know how. I never knew that there was such soul-growth-love and peacefulness inside of us and Kathy showed me, and many people dear to my heart, the power we all have. She is a light in my heart always. I see her smile and I know everything is okay. She is God’s angel here on earth to teach us that we do not have live with pain.
I did not like who I was before I met Kathy. The last couple years have been monumentally challenging and without Kathy, the outcome of those experiences could have been devastating. She taught me how to love myself and also that the greatest gift you could give yourself is to love and understand yourself and others. I thank you, Kathy; you are forever in my heart. DB
I encourage every person to take a moment to read what one of the most skeptical individuals in the world has to say about Kathy Hohs.
After 18 years of marriage and months of counseling from “certified marriage counselors” and “doctors of psychiatry”. I was more than confident that my marriage was over. I was convinced that the person that I once loved, admired, and adored was no longer the same person that I looked at when I came home every night. Words that I had spoken to my wife and actions that I had taken were certain to lead to the suicide of my marriage, if not ultimately suicide of my life.
At the 11th hour of the death of my marriage, an individual came to me, an individual that I didn’t even recognize, a stranger. This stranger held me like I have never been held and spoke to me with words of kindness, wisdom, and encouragement. This stranger encouraged me to seek out help for myself to allow myself to heal the hurt and pain that had been bottled up inside me for so many years. It was important to this stranger for me to heal, so that no matter what direction I took in life, I would not continue to suffer from the hurt and pain that brought me to this point. This stranger did not want me to continue to carry my hurt and pain through the rest of my life and possibly into yet another individual by way of relationship or possibly even another marriage. This stranger was one of the most unselfish individuals that I had ever met in my life as she wanted nothing for herself and wanted only to help me help myself. The pleading gesture this person made to me was, no matter what I did next in my life she pleaded with me to just touch base with Kathy for help, and so I did.
Had I realized that individuals like Kathy even existed in this world today I would have done everything possible to connect with her much sooner in my life. I owe my marriage and my life for what it is today to Kathy and to the rare power that she holds within herself. This once “skeptic” and “non believer” of individuals like Kathy’s intuitive abilities, is skeptic no more. I believe that anybody fortunate enough to be open minded enough to allow Kathy to use her God given gift to touch and enrich their lives will be as grateful to Kathy as I am for the rest of their lives.
During my very first session with Kathy she looked inside my soul and saw what truly laid beneath the surface of my hurt and pain. Kathy taught me to connect with my inner wisdom, confront life-long issues that had caused such hurt and pain within, recognize these issues and release the hold I had on them by understanding and healing the negative energy that was connected to them. Once my first session was over, I was still in disbelief of what I had just experienced, as my mind was still trying to catch up with my body, I turned to Kathy and asked “CAN IT REALLY BE THIS EASY?” and in that tranquil voice Kathy answered “yes it can be and it is”.
Once Kathy enabled me to do this for myself, my life became a much better place to be and much less painful. The hurt had subsided and everything in life started to become much more clear to me. As my entire family has already benefited from my personal experience with Kathy, I plan to continue having a dialog with Kathy either through additional healing sessions and/or educational seminars.
Remember my previous statement “Had I realized that individuals like Kathy even existed in this world today, I would have done everything possible to connect with her much sooner in my life”. I mention this because the fact is that Kathy has already been introduced to my children, and I can say as a parent and grandparent, there is much comfort in knowing that my children and grandchildren can experience in life what Kathy has to offer long before I was able to.
That “stranger” that came to me at the 11th hour of the death of my marriage, the one that I didn’t even recognize, yes that “stranger” was that same person that I married some 18 years ago, my wife. Only because months prior she too was introduced to Kathy and was blessed with Kathy’s process of teaching individuals to connect with their inner wisdom and remove the negative energy that plagues our lives everyday which, allowed my wife to recognize the goodness that was buried deep beneath my pain and deep within my soul. Had my wife not experienced Kathy’s gift as I did, I may not even be here today to share my story.
From this once “world’s most skeptical individual”, thank you Kathy and God bless you and the God given power that you hold within and your willingness to share it with any individual in need.
I am a very private person and generally would share none of this with a friend, neighbor or stranger, let alone the entire world. My belief is so strong that Kathy can help change so many lives that I am willing to ask Kathy to post this on her web-site. Furthermore, I have also given Kathy permission to pass along my e-mail address to anybody she feels might benefit from communicating with me about my experience with her. Sincerely, J.B.
My love healing has been very instrumental in my healing journey for the past five years. It has helped me connect and heal many levels of my issues not only from my current life time but going back to previous life times and release them with grace and ease. It is a simple tool that can bring balance to your life quickly. My love healing has shown me that everyone has the potential to heal himself when they connect and follow their inner wisdom. --- Suzanne
Thank you Kathy for your time, love and patience with me. I have had a profound shift and my weekend went so smoothly as I focused on “be in love” I felt God’s presence and wisdom with me and teaching me throughout the weekend. Thank you for your insight.
In his love and peace S.S.
Thank you so very much for all your time, energy, caring and love these past several months. I have had such fun getting to know you and your beautiful healing process. I look forward to watching your process develop and help many people. I am so grateful you helped me believe in my Self. I am so grateful you helped remind me how to listen and hear my Self. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Jennifer
I have known Kathy for over a year now, however, I only started to work with her in the past 6 months. Now, I ask myself why did I wait 6 months to begin working with her? When the student is ready, comes to mind. The changes in my life during the time I have been healing with Kathy are significant and consistent and continual. On the physical level, I am no longer plagued by headaches, PMS, depression, irritability, angry outbursts or emotional eating. Wow, didn’t I sound like a gem of a client/person! Seriously though, with her guidance and gentle healing process I finally feel centered, whole, balanced and a sense of real hope. I feel such incredible gratitude for my time with Kathy. She has been a wonderful teacher, healer and friend in providing such wonderful guidance on my road to Self awareness and empowerment. I am amazed to the point where I have no words to really describe how amazing my journey has been except for a deep feeling of utter gratitude and appreciation for her being a part of my life. I invite you to call me if you have questions or would like to hear my full story as the written word at the moment seems to be failing me to describe the transformation I have been and continue to experience. JTW